Signal transmission in the Strowger switching system.
The following functions, have to be executed by the operator in the Strowger switching system:
· To answer a call that the system is ready to receive an identification of the called subscriber;
· To call a call of the called subscriber;
· To report calling if the called subscriber is busy;
· To tell the calling subscriber if the line of the called subscriber is inaccessible for some reasons.
Function 1 is performed, the message of long beep to the calling subscriber.
Dial Tone
Dial Tone - alarm tone which specifies that the system is ready to accept the dialed digits from calling. The number is dialed when this signal is heard. Otherwise, there will be a call of a number of the wrong number.
Dial Tone - a continuous tone which extends at frequencies: 400 Hz, 50 Hz or 33 Hz.
Ring Tone
After typesetting of a number of the called subscriber, the equipment of control sends current in the telephone set of the called subscriber. At the same time, instrumentations send long beeps to the calling subscriber who has a sample similar to that from the calling current.
Busy Tone
After a set of the number of lines at the exchange is not free to order telephone conversation, send to the calling subscriber the occupied tone specifying that lines or the subscriber are occupied; it is called busy tone. The signal extends to 400 Hz with the intermediate period of silence. Duration of time of explosion and time of silence cost have 0.75 pages.
Number Unobtainable Tone
If the called subscriber is disconnected or there is a mistake in a call of number there is a continuous signal on 400 Hz called as Number Inaccessible tone.
Routing Tone or Call-in-Progress Tone
When the call is directed through different types of exchanges, everyone hears tones as the progress of the requirement through various exchanges. Such signal extends at a frequency of 800 Hz, or 400 Hz. To solve a problem of distinction of beeps of a call invented the written-down sound messages later.
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