a) what are the difference between classful addressing and classless addressing in IPv4?
b) what are the difference between routing and forwarding?
c) compare unicast and multicast routing protocols.
Expert's answer
The difference between classful and classless IPv4 addressing is that in classful there is limited number of available IP addresses depending on the class of an assigned network address block while in classless there is more efficient of al,locating IP addresses without exhaustion as it does not depend on classes to assign an IP.
Routing is the process of determining the route a packet takes from the source to its intended destination while forwarding is the process of sending a packet that was wrongly destined to its appropriate destination.e.g. sending input traffic received on one port to another port that has been configured to receive that kind of traffic.
Unicast routing involves transmitting data to only one host i.e. a one to one relationship between a sender and a receiver.e.g. P2P while in multicast involves sending data to more than one host that have been specified in a network i.e. a one to many relationship but the only caveat is that the hosts have to be specified ensuring that only hosts intended to receive receive the data.
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