This is another client-server application. It builds on echoserver and has a more complex protocol based on the well-known series of (very bad) jokes. It is based on the standard Java introduction to distributed systems. The objective is to get it the simple client-server application working on the same machine and then on two different ones. Once you’ve done that the next step is to run a multi-client server version!
The following diagram shows the networked application.
As with the echoserver application, KKClient and KKServer are two processes (programs) that interact via the Socket API. You can run them on the same computer or on different computers (as you did in the last tutorial). You can see that the protocol is more extensive. The following shows the architecture.
Client-Side Program:
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ClientSide
   // initializing socket and input output streams
   private DataOutputStream dataOut = null;
   private Scanner sc               = null;
   private Socket skt               = null;
   // constructor to create a socket with given IP and port address
   public Client(String address, int port)
       // Establishing connection with server
            // creating an object of socket
           skt = new Socket(address, port);
           System.out.println("Connection Established!! ");
           System.out.println("input \"Finish\" to terminate the connection. ");
           // taking input from user
           sc = new Scanner(System.in);
           // opening output stream on the socket
           dataOut = new DataOutputStream(skt.getOutputStream());
       catch(UnknownHostException uh)
       catch(IOException io)
       // to store the input messages given by the user
       String str = "";
       // The reading continues until "Finish" is input
       while (!str.equals("Finish"))
           input = sc.nextLine(); // reading input
               dataOut.writeUTF(str); // writing to the underlying output stream
           // For handling errors while writing to output stream
           catch(IOException io)
       System.out.println(" Connection Terminated!! ");
       // for closing the connection
       catch(IOException io)
   public static void main(String argvs[])
        // creating object of class Client
       ClientSide client = new ClientSide("localhost", 6666);
Server-Side Program:
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Server
   //initializing input stream and socket
   private DataInputStream inStream = null;
   private Socket skt = null;
   private ServerSocket srvr = null;
   // constructor of the class Server
   public Server(int port)
       // Starting the server and waiting for a clientÂ
           srvr = new ServerSocket(port);
           System.out.println("Server starts");
           System.out.println("Waiting for a client to connect ... "); Â
           skt = srvr.accept(); // waiting for a client to send connection request
           System.out.println("Connected with a Client!! ");
           // Receiving input messages from the client using socket
           inStream = new DataInputStream( skt.getInputStream() );
           String str = ""; // variable for reading messages sent by the client
           // Untill "Finish" is sent by the client,
           // keep reading messages
           while (!str.equals("Finish"))
                  // reading from the underlying stream
                   str = inStream.readUTF();
                  // printing the read message on the console
                   System.out.println( str );
              // For handling errors
               catch(IOException io)
                   System.out.println( io );
           // closing the established connection
           System.out.println(" Connection Closed!! ");
       // handling errors
       catch(IOException i)
   public static void main(String argvs[])
       // creating an object of the class ServerSide
       Server server = new Server(6666);
The Knock Knock Server:
The server program begins by creating a new ServerSocket object to listen on a specific port . When running this server, choose a port that is not already dedicated to some other service.
Then program
The Knock Knock Client implements the client program that speaks to the Knock Knock Server.
When you start the client program, the server should already be running and listening to the port, waiting for a client to request a connection. So, the first thing the client program does is to open a socket that is connected to the server running on the specified host name and port:
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