Use 4 examples for each the following concepts in the context of cyber security
Anonymisation of shared information
Pretection of shared information
Information classification
Anonymisation of shared information-Usually anonymisation applies to direct and indirect Access to informations. Direct identifiers like name, address, or telephone numbers specify an individual. Indirect identifiers when pieced together could also reveal an individual by, for example, cross-referencing occupation, employer, and location.
Infrormation classification-Information classification is a process in which organisations assess the data that they hold and the level of protection it should be given.Organisations usually classify information in terms of confidentiality – i.e. who is granted access to see it. E.g. confidential( only senior management have access), restricted( most employees have access),internal( all employees have access) and public information ( everyone has access).
Trust-Trust is the belief in the competence of a machine or sensor to act dependably, securely and reliably within a specified context. its accomplished when someone gives you acces to information via email,signatures.
CiSP- CiSP is a joint industry and government initiative set up to exchange cyber threat information in real time, in a secure, confidential and dynamic environment, increasing situational awareness and reducing the impact on business.
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