A music track is 80 MB in size. Calculate the file size after compression. How many mp3 files of the size calculated above could be stored on an 800 MB cd
track is 80 MB in size. Calculate the file size after compression. How many mp3 files of the size calculated above could be stored on an 800 MB cd
MP3s are audio files compressed using compression. The lossy <span style="font-family: Arial, "sans-serif"; color: rgb(89, 89, 89);">compression</span> allows great savings in file size, with the average <span style="font-family: Arial, "sans-serif"; color: rgb(89, 89, 89);">MP3</span> file being 90% smaller than an equivalent uncompressed audio file.
Here 80 MB track can be compressed or reduced to 8 megabytes.
You calculate this way 80MB*90/100=72 reduced, 80MB*10/100=8MB new file size
In the case of 800 MB
80MB=8MB new file after compression how about 800MB?
800/8=100MB new file size after compression.
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