Specify the characteristics of the following popular WLAN transmission methods: a) 802.11 a b) 802.11 b c) 802.11 g d) 802.11 n e) 802.11 ac
a) 802.11a operates in the less crowded 5 GHz frequency band with a speed of 54mbps, making it less prone to interference with higher bandwith
b) 802.11b operates in the 2.4 GHz, home appliances or other 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks with a maximum speed of 11 Mbps
c) 802.11g operates in the crowded 2.4 GHz frequency with a maximum speed of 54mbps an advance wifi speed and better coverage than earlier generations
d) 802.11n faster and maximum transfer rate of 300-450mbps, used Multiple Input Multiple Output where multiple transmitters/receivers could operate simultaneously at one or both ends of the link to a single device
e) 802.11ac speeds ranges from 433 Mbps all the way up to several Gigabits per second. Used a technology called beamforming, the antennae basically transmit the radio signals, so they’re directed at a specific device
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