my number is 1921038
Each student’s number uxxxxxxx must be converted into the format xxx.xx.xx.0/25 by applying the following procedure to obtain the student’s block IP address and mask
First IP 1. If first digit is 1 or 2 then take the first three digits as the first section of IP address 2. If first digit is 0, then take the first three digit and replace the leading 0 by 1, for the first section of IP address.
Second IP 1. Take the next 2 digits (digit 4th and 5th of your student number) the second section the IP address; 2. If both are 0s (zeros) replace them by 11 and if only the digit 4th is 0 then ignore it (i.e. do not include it in your IP address).
Third IP 1. For the third section of the IP address, take the following 2 digits (digit 6th and 7th) 2. If both are 0s (zeros) replace them by 11 and if only the 6th digit is 0 ignore it (i.e. do not include it in the IP address).
Fourth IP 1. The last section of the IP address must be zero Mask 2. Finally, the mask is /25
The First IP 1. If first digit is 1 then take the first three digits as the first section of IP address which is 192.
Second IP 1. Take the next 2 digits (digit 4th and 5th of your student number) the second section the IP address; 2. If both are 0s (zeros) replace them by 11 and if only the digit 4th is 0 then ignore it (i.e. do not include it in your IP address). The conditions are not met hence the second IP is 10.
The Third IP condition are not met because the sixth and seventh digit is not zero hence IP is 38.
Finally Fourth IP 1. The last section of the IP address must be zero Mask 2. Finally, the mask is /25
Hence the student’s block IP address and mask is
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