MIPs (million instructions per second) is the general measurement or benchmark of how many instructions a processor can handle in a single second.
CPUA is better as it executes 2MB of instructions in 5*106 clock cycles as the MIPS looks the execution of number of instructions per second. Whereas CPUB executes same number of instructions in 3*106 clock cycles clearly shows that CPUA is better on the basis of MIPS performance metrics.
CPU time (or CPU Execution time) is the time between the start
and the end of execution of a given program. This time
accounts for the time CPU is computing the given program,
including operating system routines executed on the program’s
behalf, and it does not include the time waiting for I/O and
running other programs.
CPUA executed time is 1/cpu_time
1/5*106 = 0.00188679245 seconds
CPUB execution time is
1/5*106 = 0.00188679245 seconds
CPUB execution time is 1/cpu_time
1/3*106 = 0.00314465409 seconds
CPUB is faster than CPUA according to their execution time.
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