You are the business development manager of “ABC Corp.”(You can make up any name for your Sports Supplier Company). The company specializes in sports equipment for hockey, and has provided equipment to other teams, including the NHL Junior Hockey team. The local Surrey Junior Hockey team will compete in the National Junior World Cup starting in January 2021. Please write an email to the Manager of the team to tell them about the history of your company and why “ABC Corp.” is the best choice for supplying the sports equipment to the team.
Then write a response from the Team Manager asking for a detailed pricing for 5 items (Hockey Equip. items). And the following chain of emails for negotiating the prices; minimum 4 emails after initial intro email from Manager to Team Manager. Must be a proper format style for a business email.
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Dear Anna Rita, your question requires a lot of work, which neither of our experts is ready to perform for free. We advise you to convert it to a fully qualified order and we will try to help you. Please click the link below to proceed: Submit order
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