Using the Hotel Room class hierarchy of Programming Problem 4,Section13.1,do the following:Guest Room contains the method Calculate Bill(),which returns the amount of the guest’s bill. The bill is calculated as follows: the room rate (this is inherited from HotelRoom) multiplied by the number of days of the stay, multi- plied by the status (which represents the number of guests, is also inherited from HotelRoom). MeetingRoom also contains the method CalculateBill(), which returns the amount of the bill for renting the room for one day. The method cal- culates the bill as follows: the number of seats multiplied by 10.00, plus 500.00. Code a Display() method for each of GuestRoom and MeetingRoom, which displays in an appropriately formatted way the values of the instance variables of the class (including the inherited ones). Code a main() in which you create objects of each type, compute the bill for each object, and display each object’s information.
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