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You will have to take 5 numbers between 0-9 as input and calculate their sum. Keep in mind that the input you are taking is a character. You somehow have to convert it to the corresponding number. Then you will print strings based on the value of the sum you calculated. You will have to follow the pseudo-code given below –

While taking the inputs, you will have to print appropriate input prompts. You will first print ”Enter the first number: ” (there is a space after colon) and take the input in the same line. Then in the next line you will print ”Enter the second number: ” and take the second number as input in the same line. You will do the same for third, fourth and fifth numbers


Use: 8086 Assembler,

Code a program that will form a trees, use the word below. with different color in every word.


I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree A tree whose

 hungry  mouth is pressed Against the

 sweet   earth’s  flowing  breast  A tree

that looks at God all day And lifts her

 leafy  arms  to   pray  A  tree   that may in

 summer  wear     A    nest    of    robins

 in her hair Upon whose bosom snow

 has lain Who intimately lives with

 rain Poems are made by fools

 like me

But only

 God can


 a tree


1.Construct the circuit using the Arduino Uno, Breadboard, LEDs, resistors and tact/toggle switch use tinkercad

2.Create a program that will display different running light patterns. The program must not execute the light effect until the user releases the button. The following running    light pattern will:

Upon selecting following switches button, here are the following patterns:

Pattern:Switch1 button

              The 8 LED light runs from left to right one at a time.

Pattern:Switch2 button

              The 8 LED light runs from right to left one at a time.

Pattern:Switch3 button

              The first left and first right LED light runs followed by the others until       such time that LED light meet at the center.

  Pattern:Switch4 button

The 4th and 5th LED lights on and after which 3rd and 6th LED lights on followed with 2nd and 7th LED lights then afterwards the 1st and 8th LED lights on.        

Pattern:Switch5 button

             The 8 LED blinks

Write an Assembly Language code that rearranges any four (2) strings of doubleword values in an array expressing yourself during MCO with this Covid-19 pandemic. Then request a user to enter a name, before the program will reverse the name. All strings should be present in different colors. Repeat the output 2 times.

For the below mentioned pseudo code (i) and pseudocode (ii), write the equivalent assembly code (mnemonics) in zero, one , two, three address instruction format for swapping the value of two variables a and b.

// pseudo Code(i)


Void Swap(int a , int b)


int temp;



b= temp;


// pseudo  Code(ii)

/*Assume the address of variable a and b is stored in the pointer variable *x and *y. */


Void Swap(int *x , int *y)


int temp;

  temp= *x;


*y= temp;


(i) With taking necessary assumption, find the number of clock cycle that will be required for each case in zero, one, two, three address format for the completion of the program.

(ii) For each case find the number of times refers to memory for the completion of the program.

Draw circuit to R1<-R1^R2 which bit you want

Let we have a direct mapped cache having four blocks, you are now required to fill the cache blocks against the following address reference. 2,5,8,7,6,5,1,12,22,12

1.      After processing the address reference 6 cache block 0,1,2 and 3 would contain the address reference _________

2.      After processing the address reference 1 cache block 0,1,2 and 3 would contain the address reference _________

3.      The appearance of the address reference 7 in the above mentioned sequence would be a hit/miss

4.      At the end cache block 0,1,2 and 3 would contain the address reference ______

5.      After processing the address reference 7 cache block 0,1,2 and 3 would contain the address reference _________

6.      The second appearance of the address reference 5 in the above mentioned sequence would be a hit/miss

Note: solve all questions with step by step solutions

Let we have a direct mapped cache having four blocks, you are now required to fill the cache blocks against the following address reference. 2,5,8,7,6,5,1,12,22,12

1.      After processing the address reference 6 cache block 0,1,2 and 3 would contain the address reference _________

2.      After processing the address reference 1 cache block 0,1,2 and 3 would contain the address reference _________

3.      The appearance of the address reference 7 in the above mentioned sequence would be a hit/miss

4.      At the end cache block 0,1,2 and 3 would contain the address reference ______

5.      After processing the address reference 7 cache block 0,1,2 and 3 would contain the address reference _________

6.      The second appearance of the address reference 5 in the above mentioned sequence would be a hit/miss

Note: solve all questions with step by step solutions

Let the following array as matrix; write the MIPS mars code to transpose it. with output

class_marks: .word 10,11,12,13

.word 20,21,22,23

.word 30,31,32,33

.word 40,41,42,43

Let the following array as matrix; write the MIPS code to transpose it.

class_marks: .word 10,11,12,13

.word 20,21,22,23

.word 30,31,32,33

.word 40,41,42,43

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