Let the following array as matrix; write the MIPS code to transpose it.
class_marks: .word 10,11,12,13
.word 20,21,22,23
.word 30,31,32,33
.word 40,41,42,43
#MIPS MARS assembly
class_marks: .word 10, 11, 12, 13
.word 20, 21, 22, 23
.word 30, 31, 32, 33
.word 40, 41, 42, 43
matT: .space 64
col: .word 4
row: .word 4
endl: .asciiz "\n"
space: .asciiz " "
la $a0, class_marks # address class_marks
la $a3, matT # address matT
lw $a1, col
lw $a2, row
jal matTrans
la $a0, matT # address matT
lw $a1, row
lw $a2, col
jal matPrint # print marix matT
li $v0, 4 # print string
la $a0, endl # end line
li $v0, 10 # finished .. stop .. return
# print matrix
# input:
# $a0 Address of matrix
# $a1 col
# $a2 row
add $t0,$zero,$a1 # col
mul $t0,$t0,$a2 # size = col*row ($t0)
add $t1,$zero,1 # i = 1 ($t1)
add $t2,$zero,$a0 # address of matrix ($t2)
add $t3,$zero,$a1 # counter of colums
slt $t7, $t0, $t1 # if(size > i)-> $t7 = 0 (goto continue_1)
beq $t7,$zero, continue_matPrint # $t7 == 0 goto continue_1
j matPrintEnd # else goto matPrintEnd
li $v0, 1
lw $a0, 0($t2) # print mat[...]
li $v0, 4 # print string
la $a0, space
beq $t3,$t1, newLine # if end of row goto print newLine
j continue_2matPrint # else print next mat[...]
li $v0, 4 # print endl
la $a0, endl
add $t3,$t3,$a1 # $t3 = number of last element in row
addi $t2, $t2, 4 # address of next in matrix
addi $t1, $t1, 1 # i++
j while_matPrint
jr $ra
# Transport matrix class_marks into matT
# input:
# $a0 Address of matrix's class_marks
# $s3 Address of matT
# $a1 col
# $a2 row
# ****************************************************
addi $sp, $sp, -20 # make space on stack to store registers
sw $s0, 4($sp)
sw $s1, 8($sp)
sw $s2, 12($sp)
sw $s3, 16($sp)
add $t0,$zero,$a1 # number col
mul $t0,$t0,$a2 # size class_marks = col*row ($t0)
add $s3,$zero,1 # counter of size
add $t1,$zero,1 # i counter of col in class_marks
add $t2,$zero,$a0 # address of matrix class_marks
add $t3,$zero,$a1 # number colums in class_marks
addi $t4,$zero,0 # j counter of row in class_marks
add $s0,$zero,$a3 # address matT ($s0)
sll $t5,$a2,2 # offset_Col in matT (col)
slt $t7, $t0, $s3 # if(size > i)-> $t7 = 0
beq $t7,$zero, continue # $t7 == 0 goto continue
j matTransEnd # else goto End
lw $s1,0($t2) # read from class_marks
sw $s1,0($s0) # write into MatT
beq $t3,$t1, newRow # if end of row goto newRow
j continue_2 # else next element class_marks[...]
# determine the address of the next column in the matT
addi $t4,$t4,1 # j counter of row in class_marks
add $s0,$zero,$a3 # address matT ($s0)
sll $t6,$t4,2 # offset_Row in matT (begin new col in matT)
add $s0,$s0,$t6 # address new col in matT-offset
sub $s0,$s0,$t5 # -offset_Col
add $t1,$zero,0 # i = 0 ($t1)
add $t3,$zero,$a1 # $t3 = number of element in row
addi $t2, $t2, 4 # address of next in class_marks
addi $t1, $t1, 1 # i++ counter col (in row A)
addi $s3, $s3, 1 # size
add $s0, $s0, $t5 # address of next in col matT
j while
lw $s3, 16($sp)
lw $s2, 12($sp)
lw $s1, 8($sp)
lw $s0, 4($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 20
jr $ra
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