(i) Identify two problems in each category of the following time complexities and derive the
complexity of these identified problems.
O(n log n), and O(n2).
(ii) Suppose you are given n sets: S1, S2…..Sn.. Each set is having n elements. The problem is
to find whether some pairs of these sets are disjoint, i.e. there are no common elements
in these sets. Write pseudo code and calculate its time complexity.
O(n log n): Comparison sort, Fast Fourier transform
O(n"^2"): Bubble sort, Insertion sort
Comparison sort: you must look at every element which is O(n). For each of those elements you look at, you must find out if its in the right order, which is at best O(log n) (binary search for example). So the net sum becomes O(n log n).
Fast Fourier transform: every sum has "O(1)" complexity. The number of iterations: "O(n),O(2\\cdot\\frac{n}{2}),O(4\\cdot\\frac{4}{n})..." So, every step has the complexity "O(n)". We have "log_2n" steps, so the complexity of algorithm will be "O(nlogn)".
Scan elements A[n], B[n]
for loop initiated i to n
for loop initiated j to n
Set is not not a disjoint
set is disjoint
Time complexity of the code "T(n)=O(n^2)"
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