Let us consider you are going to be create a AVL tree by inserting one by one up to 15 nodes with the help of Random number generation function. At each node, after insertion you should maintain the tree as balanced one. Sketch the Avl tree from the first node insertion to last 15th node insertion step by step. Then you have start to delete operation with 5th,10th and 15th input of inserted node. You have to follow the given details mentioned below for node input.
Student’s Roll Number
Range of Input
201IT101 - 201IT117
1 - 75
Totally 15 randomized numbers from the Specified range
Delete the 5th , 10th and 15th randomized input number when inserted.
201IT118 - 201IT134
76 - 150
201IT135 - 201IT151
151 - 225
201IT152 - 201IT168
226 - 300
201IT169 - 201IT216
301 - 375
201IT218 - 201IT234
376 - 450
201IT235 - 201IT251
451 - 525
201IT252 - 201IT269
526 – 600
Program ( 5 Marks)
Tree Structure step by step (15 Marks) for 15 node insertion.
A self-balancing tree is a binary search tree that balances the height after insertion and deletion according to some balancing rules.
The worst-case time complexity of a BST is a function of the height of the tree. Specifically, the longest path from the root of the tree to a node. For a BST with N nodes, let's say that that every node has only zero or one child. Therefore its height equals N, and the search time in the worst case is O(N). So our main goal in a BST is to keep the maximum height close to log(N).
The balance factor of node N is height(right(N)) – height(left(N)). In an AVL Tree, the balance factor of a node could be only one of 1, 0, or -1 values.
The AVL Tree checks the balance factor of its nodes after the insertion or deletion of a node. If the balance factor of a node is greater than one or less than -1, the tree rebalances itself.
There are two operations to rebalance a tree:
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