Write overloaded prototypes of volumes(), a function that returns volumes of different structures.
Write three versions:
one for cube's volume that takes one float side of the cube,
one for cylinder's volume takes float radius and float height of the cylinder,
and one rectangular box's volume that takes float length ,float breadth and float height of the box.
Expert's answer
#include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std;
// The volume of the cube with the given side double volume(const float side);
// The volume of the cylinder with the fiven radius and height double volume(const float radius, const float height);
// The volume of the rectangular box's volume double volume(const float length, const float breadth, const float height);
int main() { return 0; }
// The volume of the cube with the given side double volume(const float side) { return pow(side, 3); }
// The volume of the cylinder with the fiven radius and height double volume(const float radius, const float height) { return 3,1415926535898 * pow(radius, 2) * height; }
// The volume of the rectangular box's volume double volume(const float length, const float breadth, const float height) { return length * breadth * height; }
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