The data sheet of a quad two-input NAND gate specifies the following parameters: IOH(max.)=0.4 mA, VOH(min.)=2.7 V, VIH (min.)=2V, VIL(max.)=0.8 V, VOL(max.)=0.4 V, IOL(max.)=8 mA, IIL(max.)=0.4 mA, IIH (max.)=20x10-6A, ICCH(max.)=1.6 mA, ICCL(max.)=4.4 mA, tpLH =tpHL=15 ns and a supply voltage range of 5 V. Determine
(a) the average power dissipation of a single NAND gate
(b) the maximum average propagation delay of a single gate
(c) the HIGH-state noise margin (d) the LOW-state noise marg
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