Convert ft to cm:
3 ft is 91.44 cm,
2 ft is 60.96 cm,
1.5 ft is 45.72 cm.
How many books will cover the bottom of the box flat horizontally long side of book (25 cm) parallel to long side of box (91 cm)?
91.44 cm fit 3 books so 16.44 cm left free
60.96 cm fit 6 books so 0.96 cm left
45.72 cm (height) fit 9 books 5 cm each so 0.72 cm left.
The number of books here is 3x6x9=162 books.
So, the free space left for books to fit vertically is
16.44 cm x 60.96 cm x 45.72 cm, which fit 9 books vertically 10 cm side along the 60.96 cm:
16.44 cm fit 3 books vertically (3x5 cm)
60.96 fit fit 3 books upright (3x10 cm)
45 cm fit 1 book vertically.
The number of books here is 3x3x1=9 books.
The maximum number of books is 9+162=171.
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