A marathon runner, treated as a cylinder with diameter of 0.42 m running at 4.5 ms-1 relative to the surrounding air, has a net radiation load of 350 Wm−2. The air temperature and vapor pressure are 25°C and 2.40 kPa, respectively. Assuming that the runner’s skin is covered with sweat that is a saturated salt solution for which the relative humidity of air in contact with the solution is 68%. The specific heat of air, cp, at constant pressure is 1005 Jkg-1K-1.
i) Calculate the resistance to sensible heat transfer, rH.
ii) Determine the value of the modified psychrometer constant (𝛾∗).
iii) Calculate the saturation vapor pressure deficit at temperature of 25 °C.
iv) Using the Penmann Equation, estimate the rate of latent heat loss (λE).
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