Mean wind speeds u(z), averaged over 30 minutes, were measured simultaneously at several heights z above a plantation in conditions when a logarithmic wind profile was expected. Results are shown in the table below. A graph of u(z) vs ln(z-d) is also shown below. The height h of the plantation is 6 m.
u (m/s) - 2.7; 3.3; 3.7; 4.1; 4.4; 4.7
z (m) - 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60
Graph of windpeed (u) vs ln (z-d)
y = 1.0963x - 0.9741
Assume the zero plane displacement d was 4.0 m. Use von Karman’s constant k = 0.41
a) Using the graph determine the roughness length of the canopy.
b) Using the graph determine the friction velocity.
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