Enumerate and describe the fundamental laws of nature
1) The Law of Attraction
Like attracts like, people attract energy like the energy they project. Positive people attract others like them or those moving in the same direction and vice versa. The fact is that you are a magnet. You attract people, ideas, and resources that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. Thoughts and feelings are energy. Whenever you are sensitive to someone else’s feelings, when you are aware of your own feelings, this is a conscious perception of a vibration.
2) The Law of Polarity
Everything in the Universe has an equal or an exact opposite. Teach yourself to pause and reflect on both sides of the situation by considering the opposite. Think of two points of view and how they need each other. Change often fails in part, because those wanting to make the change have a single point of view, which they believe is the whole and perfect solution. However, within all change, (which is constant), there are actually two points of view that are in tension yet need each other – these are known as Polarities. The other side and those closer to it have their own view and regardless of a final agreement both will always exist.
3) The Law of Relativity
Everything is relative! You cannot define something without having something to compare it to. The existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another. Comparisons are almost never what they seem and in a negative light, toxic to the soul. However, it is not uncommon to always be comparing just about everything. Hot a great use of time or thought. However there is a close dependence of one occurrence, thing, value, quality, etc. on another.
4) The Law of Cause and Effect
For every action we take there is an effect, one that ripples through the universe, much like that of a beam of light moving forever in one direction. Your actions impact everything and everyone around you and that energy goes on to impact others beyond that. If you send good thoughts and positive energy out you will receive the same or similar back, and of course the opposite is also true. We are the creators of heaven and/or hell right here on earth. Be aware of that power and use it wisely. Stop and think before you act.
5) The Law of Rhythm
All things in the universe are moving in perfect rhythm, in a measured motion like a pendulum. Everything in existence is involved in a dance flowing and swinging back and forth. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat, a rising and a lowering.
6) The Law of Gestation:
This is the creative law. This law decrees that all seeds most importantly “thought seeds” have a gestation period before they manifest. It takes an appropriate amount of time for a thought, image or creation to move into its physical counterpart. Applied to a difficult situation you would create your plan of action and then look for the optimum time to introduce the plan to those involved. In the interim, avoid or reduce anxiety by reminding yourself that you have a plan and push the matter aside until the right time approaches.
7) The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:
All energy fields are connected, always moving and transmuting into and out of form. Energy is flowing into our consciousness constantly, we transform this energy into whatever we choose through our focus of attention at the time. This formless energy is amenable to being shaped by our minds. Energy is never actually created or destroyed. It simply moves from one form into another. The beauty of this is that your thoughts have the ability to transmute from the non physical to physical all the time.
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