A copper cup holds some cold water at 4 C. The copper cup weighs 140g while the water weighs 80g. If 100g of hot water, at 90 C is added, what will be the final temperature of the water?
Dear Tusharika, final temperature for all system is T
07.07.20, 17:35
Why here in case of heat loss equation ,(90-T) is done ..?does this
mean that for water with 100g ,we r taking its initial temp. to be T
nd final as 90℃ as by the formula mc(T2 - T1)
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Dear Tusharika, final temperature for all system is T
Why here in case of heat loss equation ,(90-T) is done ..?does this mean that for water with 100g ,we r taking its initial temp. to be T nd final as 90℃ as by the formula mc(T2 - T1)
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