Optical fibres typically use lasers as the light source. They normally transmit digital data in a series of ones and zeros. Explain how this data is used to represent a digital number between 0 and 7 and how the laser transmits this data and how it is received
Answer:The method of transmitting information in optical communication systems, which consists in transmitting information over an optical communication line simultaneously by two channels by converting electrical signals into optical simultaneously by two laser diodes, optical signals from both laser diodes are fed to a spectral multiplexer, then they are transmitted on a fiber-optic line through one or more optical amplifiers, and at the other end of the line the signals are transmitted to a spectral demultiplexer, where after their wavelength distribution each of them is fed to its photodetector, which differs in one channel ) signal, and otherwise information signals in the format of binary zero and binary unit, which are encoded by a pulse or potential code, and the binary unit is transmitted by zero potential, and binary zero increased, the power of which is equal to the amplitude of the constant signal, on the receiving side compare in adj swarms of comparison and subtract the constant (exemplary) signal from the information signal, while the resulting information signal of binary zero is fed to the control device, which reduces it to zero.
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