Lapse rate shows how much changes the temperature with height
"\\Gamma = - \\frac{dT}{dz}"
Even in condition of thermal equilibrium, there won't be equal temperature in different layer of gas due to Boltzmann distribution. If the the gas (e.g. in atmosphere) moves in a way that "PV^\\gamma =" const, this processes is called adiabatic. In adiabatic atmosphere adiabatic lapse rate can be obtained.
From the first law of thermodynamics: "dU = \\delta Q - PdV"
Since the processes are adiabatic, "\\delta Q =0." Also, "dU = m c_V dT" .
From the equation of adiabatic process taking the differential: "V^\\gamma dP + P \\gamma V^{\\gamma-1} dV =0 => PdV = -\\frac{V^\\gamma dP}{\\gamma V^{\\gamma-1}}"
"pdV = -\\frac{VdP}{\\gamma}"
Putting all result into the first law of thermodynamics, we get
"m c_V dT = \\frac{VdP}{\\gamma}"
Assuming an atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium "dP = -\\rho g dz = -\\frac{m g dz}{V}" and taking into account "\\gamma = c_p\/c_V" we have
"dT = -\\frac{V\/m * \\rho g dz}{\\gamma c_V}=-\\frac{ g dz}{ c_P}"
"\\Gamma = -\\frac{dT}{dz}=\\frac{g}{c_P}"
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