Let's use the conservation of the momentum (we assume that the collision was complete inelastic and there is no rotation after collision)
"{m_1}{{\\vec v}_1} + {m_2}{{\\vec v}_2} = ({m_1} + {m_2})\\vec u" Choose the x-axis along the axis from which the angles in the condition of the problem is counted and y-axis is perpendicular to this direction. Then the equation for the moments will be
"\\begin{cases} {m_1}{v_1}\\cos {\\alpha _1} + {m_2}{v_2}\\cos {\\alpha _2} = ({m_1} + {m_2})u\\cos \\beta \\\\ {m_1}{v_1}\\sin {\\alpha _1} + {m_2}{v_2}\\sin {\\alpha _2} = ({m_1} + {m_2})u\\sin \\beta \\end{cases}" Let's square both equations and find the sum
"{({m_1}{v_1}\\sin {\\alpha _1} + {m_2}{v_2}\\sin {\\alpha _2})^2} + {({m_1}{v_1}\\cos {\\alpha _1} + {m_2}{v_2}\\cos {\\alpha _2})^2} = {({m_1} + {m_2})^2}u^2" Expand the brackets and use that "{\\sin ^2}{\\alpha _1} + {\\cos ^2}{\\alpha _1} = 1" and "\\cos {\\alpha _1}\\cos {\\alpha _2} + \\sin {\\alpha _1}\\sin {\\alpha _2} = \\cos ({\\alpha _2} - {\\alpha _1})" we get
"{({m_1}{v_1})^2} + {({m_2}{v_2})^2} + 2{m_1}{m_2}{v_1}{v_2}\\cos ({\\alpha _2} - {\\alpha _1}) = {({m_1} + {m_2})^2}{u^2}" Thus
"u = {{\\sqrt {{{({m_1}{v_1})}^2} + {{({m_2}{v_2})}^2} + 2{m_1}{m_2}{v_1}{v_2}\\cos ({\\alpha _2} - {\\alpha _1})} } \\over {{m_1} + {m_2}}}" Now return to the system and divide the second equation by the first, we get
"\\tan \\beta = {{{m_1}{v_1}\\sin {\\alpha _1} + {m_2}{v_2}\\sin {\\alpha _2}} \\over {{m_1}{v_1}\\cos {\\alpha _1} + {m_2}{v_2}\\cos {\\alpha _2}}}" These two formulas are solving our problem. Let's use that is our case "{m_1} = {m_2} = m"
"u = {1 \\over 2}\\sqrt {v_1^2 + v_2^2 + 2{v_1}{v_2}\\cos ({\\alpha _2} - {\\alpha _1})}""\\beta = \\arctan ({{{v_1}\\sin {\\alpha _1} + {v_2}\\sin {\\alpha _2}} \\over {{v_1}\\cos {\\alpha _1} + {v_2}\\cos {\\alpha _2}}})"
And do all calculations
"u = {1 \\over 2}\\sqrt {{{10}^2} + {{15}^2} + 2 \\cdot 10 \\cdot 15 \\cdot {1 \\over 2}} [{{{\\rm{km}}} \\over {\\rm{s}}}] = {{5\\sqrt {19} } \\over 2}[{{{\\rm{km}}} \\over {\\rm{s}}}]""\\beta = \\arctan ({{10 \\cdot {1 \\over 2} + 15 \\cdot 1} \\over {10 \\cdot {{\\sqrt 3 } \\over 2} + 15 \\cdot 0}}) = \\arctan ({4 \\over {\\sqrt 3 }})" This is the magnitude and the direction (angle with the x-axis) of the composite body after collision. We can find the velosity (as the vector). Use that "\\vec u = (u\\cos \\beta ,u\\sin \\beta )" and "\\sin \\arctan x = {x \\over {\\sqrt {1 + {x^2}} }}" and "\\cos \\arctan x = {1 \\over {\\sqrt {1 + {x^2}} }}" we get
"\\vec u = ({{5\\sqrt {19} } \\over 2} \\cdot {{\\sqrt 3 } \\over {\\sqrt {19} }},{{5\\sqrt {19} } \\over 2} \\cdot {4 \\over {\\sqrt {19} }})[{{{\\rm{km}}} \\over {\\rm{s}}}] = ({{5\\sqrt 3 } \\over 2},10)[{{{\\rm{km}}} \\over {\\rm{s}}}]"
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