Beams must withstand two types of loads: elastic bending (defined by the deflection "\\delta") and failure to bending (defined by the stress on the top and bottom surface "\\sigma"). So calculate these values for a square, circle, and triangle with the same are A. Let's begin with deflection (smaller "\\delta" is better):
where G is a coefficient equal for all cross-sections and I is moment of inertia of cross-section:
We see that triangles withstand elastic bending better than squares, and squares - better than circles.
Now compute the stress inside the beams that defines failure in bending, and smaller "\\sigma" is better:
where c - the smallest distance from the axis of a cross-section to its surface, I - moment of inertia that we already acquainted with. M - moment.
that is why square resists failure in bending better than circle, circle is better than triangle.
Overall result: squares are the best, but actually one needs to choose the cross-section by what load is being considered.
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