When an object exert a force on another object, there exists a simultaneously generated force on the first object by the other ,in opposite direction with the same magnitude.
Sense of weight when standing : body exerts a force equal to body weight on the ground & the ground exerts the same on the feet.
Motion of vehicles : Rear wheel tires exert a force on the ground & the same is applied on the tires in the opposite direction which moves the vehicle.
Motion of a rocket : a force is generated on the burned exhaust gas by the rocket & the same is applied on the opposite direction by the gas on the rocket which drives it.
Recoil of a gun : a force is exerted on the bullet for its acceleration by the gun which in return experience the same in opposite direction.
Walking : foot pushes the ground backward & downward in a single tread, that backward force applies an opposite force on the foot which moves the body while the downward applies the same force in the opposite direction on the foot which keeps that leg stood up.
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