Maxwell equations have many reasons to be named physicaly significant:
1) they generazile all known experiment facts about electric and magnetic fields;
2) they prove, that there are electric charges and there are no magnetic charges;
3) they predicted the existance of electromagnetic waves - a form of EM field that can exists independently without charges or currecnts;
4) they discribe properties of EM waves, such as speed of wave equals to c in vacuum (c is a fundamental constant and depend neither on speed of source not on speed of observer) ortogonality of vectors E, B and v, and the same for E and B oscillations at any time;
5) prediction of EM waves as a unique substance and not as oscillation connected with charges was a motivation for Michelson-Morley experiment which proved that there is no aether and Maxwell's theory is correct;
6) Einstein's special theory of relativity is based on Maxwell equations and was published with title "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies".
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