A rectangular coil of 70 cm length , 10 cm width consists of 9 turns and carries 0.1 amperes current is hanged to a scale pan ehere its length is in a vertical position and lower part is perpendicular to a uniforn magnetic field so balance is obtained . When the current is reversed it's needed to add 8.78 grams to the other side to restore balance again find the magnetic flux denisty given that g= 10 m/s^2
In the formula F=2BinL we have BiLn - Ampere's force acting on n
loops. Coefficient 2 means that we have two forces on opposite sides.
26.09.18, 23:23
If you can add a proof to your law i wouldbe grateful
26.09.18, 23:20
Hey sorry can you explain how you got the F=2BinL Because i cant seem
to get it The laws we too in school ( f= lib F= mg B = M n i / l (
cellanoid B = Mni / 2r ( coil
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In the formula F=2BinL we have BiLn - Ampere's force acting on n loops. Coefficient 2 means that we have two forces on opposite sides.
If you can add a proof to your law i wouldbe grateful
Hey sorry can you explain how you got the F=2BinL Because i cant seem to get it The laws we too in school ( f= lib F= mg B = M n i / l ( cellanoid B = Mni / 2r ( coil
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