Polar reason more close to centre of earth but equator is some how far from centre. The gravity is the force by which all particles mass attracted towards centre of earth. Thus pulling the mass of earth towards centre and try to makes the earth sphere. But actually the earth is not sphere but somehow oblosete due to fatness and nearness of equator and polar reason from the centre of earth. This results mass will more flow is more towards equator, as centrifugal force is more.
Net results is centrifugal force is zero and gravity is maximum in polar reason and vice versa in equator reason.
As ice in polar reason is melted out, the water column from equator reason would not moves towards equator reason.
Still the results are same
But the ice melted out occupied the same volume of displaced water. It results change is physical and chemical process of Earth including the plate tectonics. There is change of uplift but balanced by net local rise of sea water by the ways of elastic rebound mechanism
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