Two sailors are at the tops of their ships’ masts in the open ocean. The mast of ship A is twice as high as that of ship B. How much farther can sailor A see than sailor B? a) no farther
b) a little more than 40% farther
c) twice as far
d) almost three times as far
e) four times as far
Please give me full explanation how to answer this question.
I want to know it for necessary.
Thank you so much.
"\\frac{d_2}{d_2}=\\sqrt{\\frac{h_2}{h_1}}=\\sqrt{\\frac{2h_1}{h_1}}=\\sqrt 2."
NO a) no farther
YES b) a little more than 40% farther
NO c) twice as far
NO d) almost three times as far
NO e) four times as far
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