You are the head of communication at British tobacco . You have recruited a public relations intern . Explain to her what her role as a public relations writer will.
Expert's answer
Preparation and conduct of an assessment of the communication needs (at the level of projects, country program and corporate change initiatives).
Development and implementation of a communications and outreach strategy based on the corporate communications strategy and communications needs assessment.
Analysis of requirements and synthesis of proposals on ways to integrate advocacy and communication strategies into all aspects of BATN Foundation’s program during formulation.
Active participation in the United Nations Private Sector Advisory Group, ensuring substantial contribution to all activities.
Take the lead on identification of storylines for publications and drafting of substantive articles contributing to public debates on key development issues.
Planning and implementation of public information campaigns on BATN Foundation agricultural programs.
Promotion, adaptation and dissemination of corporate advocacy materials for launching flagship initiatives and publications.
Organization of media activities including roundtable discussions, press conferences, briefing sessions, interviews and media launches in collaboration with the Media Associate.
Forge a strong relationship with Government Communication Officers and support national capacity development in the field of communication.
Preparation of sustainability reports, education and community awareness activities as required to support program delivery.
Support (prepare talking points and background briefs) the organization on high-level missions, events, launches and press conferences.
Partner with media to arrange interviews and coverage of emerging missions and events.
Facilitate engagement with nationally known personalities and help to organize special events and activities to support country program goals.
Proactive content management, including production of new content, ensuring that the website and intranet are frequently updated, meet BATN Foundation’s corporate requirements and that all uploaded material is consistent.
Promotion of good information management and knowledge building in the organization as well as with partners and the general public.
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