Heather, age 22, briefly checks her breasts every few months and has never detected anything
abnormal. However, a routine examination by her physician has revealed some small, tender
lumps in both breasts. Does she have breast cancer? Can you think of any reason that Heather
did not detect this condition herself?
Breast self-examination every month is recommended in females to identify any abnormal changes like lumps, discharge, tenderness, size, nodules, etc. Take appropriate health care services from a provider and stay away from the deadly disease named breast cancer.
Generally, not all the lumps in the breast can be cancerous or malignant. The most common reason for having tender lumps can be cysts, fibroadenoma, fibrocystic breasts, etc.; this happens mostly due to hormonal changes in menstruation in women. This only symptom can indicate that she has breast cancer. Therefore, other clinical correlation diagnostic tests have to be done to confirm if one has breast cancer.
There is a possibility for Heather not to detect this condition herself if she does it just a few days before the menstrual cycle. In this period, women may have tender breasts as premenstrual signs due to hormonal changes. Another reason can be stressful, which can divert an individual while doing certain examinations through self, does it?
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