Explore the key ideas associated with the problem of evil and suffering (8 marks)
There are different types of evil and suffering that have been experienced in the world. These types of evil and suffering can cause problems for many Christians because they have trust in a God who loves, powerful and all-knowing.
An example of these types of evil and suffering is moral evil and suffering which comes into existence as a result of human actions and natural evil and suffering which is not caused by human actions rather it is caused by nature.
God is believed to be good and hence he did not create evil and suffering. However, the problem of evil and suffering makes it difficult for Christians to believe that God is good and worthy to be worshipped.
The defense of God is another key idea that is associated with the problem of evil and suffering. This shows that God created humans with the ability to make good decisions and that through suffering humans are able to grow and take responsibilities given to them.
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