Discuss TWO of the theories below, using ALL the following aspects as sub-headings – object of study, main hypothesis, theoretical terms, shortcomings (weaknesses) and explanatory value (strengths): • Sender centred theories (Romanticism) • Russian Formalism • New Criticism • Mukařovský’s receiver centred theory • Context centred theories
One of the theories that I have chosen for this discussion is New Criticism
Object of the Study
This new movement in American literature examines certain aspects of literary devices like paradox, metaphor, tension, and irony.
Main Hypothesis
It focuses on close reading as a way to engage with a text and assess the connections that exist between form and meaning.
Theoretical Terms
A theoretical term of this theory is the intentional fallacy. This fallacy coined by Monroe refers to the attempt to understand a writer's intention through evaluating the literary work.
Short Comings
The theory overlooks the gender, production, historical, and moral aspects.'
The conclusions are similar.
Explanatory Value
It is easier for an individual to learn.
Develops a literary criticism science
The other theory is Romanticism.
Object of Study
The artist's activity and the intentions of the sender
Main Hypothesis
Poetry is famous since a creative imagination produces it
Theoretical Terms
The artist is regarded as a creative genius
Short Coming
There is a problematic account of the creation and origin of the artworks.
We are more interested in the product instead of the artistic process.
Explanatory Value
Places emphasis on the need for a sender in producing aesthetic objects.
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