There are 50 fields in a village, sown with wheat and each is divided into 8 plots
of equal size. Out of the 50 fields, 5 are selected by SRSWOR method. Again
from each selected field, 2 plots are chosen by SRSWOR method. The yield in
kg/plot recorded is as given in the following table:
Selected Field - Plot-I - Plot-II
1 - 4⋅16 - 4⋅76
2 - 5⋅ 40 - 3⋅52
3 - 4⋅12 - 3⋅73
4 - 4⋅38 - 5⋅67
5 - 5⋅31 - 2⋅59
Estimate the average yield of all the 50 plots.
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