. The probability of contracting pulmonary tuberculosis in a given area is 0.003. What
is the likelihood that an examination of 1000 people will reveal three patients?
When the value "n" in a Binomial distribution is large and the value of "p" is very small, the Binomial distribution can be approximated by the Poisson distribution
"n\\gt20\\\\\nnp\\lt5 \\space or\\space n(1-p)\\lt5"
then the Poisson distribution is a good approximation.
For this case,
Therefore, the conditions above hold and the Poisson distribution is a good approximation.
The Poisson distribution to be used has parameter "\\lambda=np=3".
We determine the probability "P(X=3)={e^{-3}3^3\\over 3!}={e^{-3}\\times27\\over 3!}= 0.2240418"
Thus, the likelihood that an examination of 1000 people will reveal three patients is 0.2240418.
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