An internet service provider has given you the following data to consider:
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
76.4 78.6 81.5 87.8 88.4 92.4 94.0 95.0
Use MATLAB to plot the data and observe its trend. Find a liner function for the data and use
it to predict the number of customers the company will have in 2014.
clear all
close all
% set data
years = [1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006];
customers = [76.4 78.6 81.5 87.8 88.4 92.4 94.0 95.0];
%plot data
plot(years, customers, 'bo')
ylabel('Customers (in millions)')
hold on
% find coefficients of the trend line
p = polyfit(years,customers,1);
% points to plot trend line
x_line = [years(1) years(end)];
y_line = polyval(p,x_line);
% plot trend line
plot(x_line,y_line, 'r-')
legend('Data points', 'Trend line')
% print predicted number of customers
fprintf('The number of customers the company will have in 2014 is %.1f millions.\n ',polyval(p,2014))
The number of customers the company will have in 2014 is 119.7 millions.
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