To find the regression line, the method of least squares is applied. The regression line is given by, "y(hat)= k*x+m" where, "k" is the slope coefficient and "m" is the intercept. In order to find the regression equation we first estimate "k" and "m" using the formula below,
The above data can be summarized as follows,
"n=9,\nsummation(x)=687, \nsummation(y)=658,\nsummation(x^2)=55077,\nsummation(y^2)=51980,\nsummation(x*y)=52578,\nmean(y)=summation(y)\/n=76.333333,\nmean(x)=summation(x)\/n=73.111111"
"k=((9*52578)-(687*658))\/((9*55077)-(687)^2)\n =0.8918(4 decimal places),\nm=76.333333-(0.8918*73.1111111)\n =5.0405(4 decimal places)"
Therefore, equation of the regression line is given as,
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