Supposex ~N(0,1) and Y=X2 Write down the p.d.f. of Y. Calculate E(Y) and Var(Y).
If the random variable "V \\sim N(\\mu, \\sigma^2),\\sigma^2>0," then the random variable "W=\\dfrac{(X-\\mu)^2}{\\sigma^2}=Z^2\\sim \\chi^2(1)," chi-squared distribution, with "\\nu=1" degrees of freedom.
Suppose "X\\sim N(0, 1)," then "Y=\\dfrac{(X-0)^2}{1^2}=X^2\\sim \\chi^2(1)," chi-squared distribution, with "\\nu=1" degrees of freedom.
Its density function is given by
The mean of the distribution is equal to the number of degrees of freedom:
The variance is equal to two times the number of degrees of freedom:
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