A popular confectionary brand manufacturing "dips and salad dressings" wants to understand what should be the value proposition that it should use to position itself in the minds of consumers. The company asked the respondents to rate Thousand Island dressing on the following parameters and run factor analysis to come up with a solution:
V1 Authentic
V2 Nutritious
V3 Healthy
V4 Good Ingredients
V5 Tangy
V6 Sweet and Sour
V7 Tasty
V8 Expensive
V9 Economical
The output factor analysis is presented below:
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser - Meyer - Olkin Measure of sampling .888
Bartlett"s Test of Approx. chi - square 800. 400
Sphericity Df 36
sig .000
Total Variance Explained
Intial Eigenvalues Extraction sums of squared loadings
component Total % of variance cumlulative % Total % of variance cumulative%
1 3.066 30.067 30.067 3.066 30.067 30.067
2 2.021 26.451 56.517 2.021 26.451 56.517
3 1.209 16.436 72.953 1.209 16.436 72.953
4 .679 7.548 77.501
5 .585 6.498 83.999
6 .493 5.481 89.480
7 416 4.623 94.103
8 .303 3.368 97.471 .
9 .228 2.529 100.000
Rotated Component Matrix
1 2 3
V3 865 -230 .020
V4 778 200 .080
V6 .080 .804 .170
V8 .040 .054 -8.53
V9 .119 .209 .762
V2 880 -.128 -.001
V1 .858 -.118 .026
V5 -.120 .771 -.076
V7 -.160 .775 .095
Extraction Method: Prinicipal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser
Rotation converged in 4 iterations.
Based on the above output tables, answer the following questions:
a. does the factor analysis give significant results? interpret KMO and Bartlett's.
b. Based on eigen values how many factors are emerging?
c. what percentage of variation is explained by those factors?
d. what are the variables better represented by each factor?
e. identify the surrogate variable for each other
f. give a suitable name to the factors
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