Ten students obtained the following percentage of marks in the college internal test (x) and in the final university examination (y). Find the correlation coefficient between the marks of the two test. x 51 63 63 49 50 60 65 63 46 50 y 49 72 75 50 48 60 70 48 60 56
x y x2 y2 xy
51 49 2601 2401 2499
63 72 3969 5184 4536
63 75 3969 5625 4725
49 50 2401 2500 2450
50 48 2500 2304 2400
60 60 3600 3600 3600
65 70 4225 4900 4550
63 48 3969 2304 3024
46 60 2116 3600 2760
50 56 2500 3136 2800
560 588 31850 35554 33344
r"=\\frac{n(\u2211xy)\u2212(\u2211x\u2211y)\u200b}{\\sqrt{ [n\u2211x^2\u2212(\u2211x)^2][n\u2211y^2\u2212(\u2211y)^2]}}"
="\\frac{(10*33344)-560*588}{\\sqrt{ [10*31850-560^2] [10*35554-588^2]}}"
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