i. In a probability distribution, the sum of all "p_i" must be equal to 1. So
"1.5 a +2.5a+0.4+0.25+0.1 = 1"
"4a +0.75=1"
"4a = 0.25"
ii. Interquartile range, by definition, is "Q_3 - Q_1" or "x_{75} - x_{25}"
5 values are given: 23 24 26 28 29
Given an odd 2n+1 number of values
first quartile Q1 = median of the n smallest values
third quartile Q3 = median of the n largest values
In out case, n=2, so "Q_1 =23.5" (median of 23 and 24) and "Q_3 = 28.5" (median of 28 and 29).
"IQR = 28.5 - 23.5 = 5"
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