The number of trials before a success follows a geometric distribution. Simulating the number of tosses before the first Head is obtained where the probability of getting a head is 0.6:
toss = function() {
tosses_till_heads = rgeom(1, 0.6)
In an experiment with 100,000 repetitions, the distribution of the number of tosses until the first head is found as follows:
tosses_till_heads = replicate(100000, toss())
mean = mean(tosses_till_heads)
variance = var(tosses_till_heads)
The mean and variance of the distribution of trials before getting a head are 0.66203 and 1.0928172 respectively.
mean_15 = mean(tosses_till_heads == 15)
The probability of getting a head after 15 tosses is obtained as 0. The theoretical probability obtained from the pdf
This is consistent with the results from the simulation.
Probability of getting a head after 50 tosses is:
mean_50 = mean(tosses_till_heads == 50)
The probability is 0. Note that the probability of getting a Head after n tosses decreases as n increases. The probability decays to 0 as the number of tosses increases.
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