The function
Is used to generate random numbers from a normal distribution with "Mean =1000" and "Standard \\ deviation=25"
The formula is drugged down to create 100 rows and right to create 5 columns. Each column representing one sample of size 100. The 5 samples are found to have the following distribution:
One way ANOVA tests the null hypothesis that the samples are drawn from populations with equal means. The hypothesis is rejected if the P-value from the test is less than the required "\\alpha" level "(0.05)" or if the F test statistic is greater than the critical value. The F test is useful when comparing 3 or more samples.
One way ANOVA for the 5 samples results in:
"P-value = 0.0038"
"F\\ critical \\ value = 2.3899"
"F-test\\ statistic= 3.923"
answer: the samples are drawn from populations with different means
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