Suppose S; T 2 L(V ) are such that ST = T S. Prove that null S is invariant under T.
We need to prove "T(\\operatorname{null}S)\\subset\\operatorname{null}S"
Take arbitrary "x\\in T(\\operatorname{null}S)"
Since "x\\in T(\\operatorname{null}S)", there exists "y\\in\\operatorname{null}S" such that "x=Ty"
Then "Sx=STy". Since "ST=TS", we have "Sx=TSy"
"Sy=0", because "y\\in\\operatorname{null}S", then "Sx=TSy=T0=0", that is "x\\in\\operatorname{null}S".
Since we take arbitrary "x\\in T(\\operatorname{null}S)", we have "T(\\operatorname{null}S)\\subset\\operatorname{null}S"
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