Let c0 be the space of sequences of complex numbers which converge to 0. That is
c_0 = {(x_i)_i∈N : xi ∈ C, x_i → 0}.
(i) Show that c0 is a closed subspace of L^∞.
(ii) Define a mapping T by
T : L^∞ → c_0
(x_n)_n → (x_n/ n ) _n
Show that T is a (linear bounded) operator. Show that ran T is not closed.
i) Let "x^{(k)}\\isin c_0" be a sequence converging to "w\\isin L^{\\infin}". Take "\\epsilon>0" and "N_0\\isin N" such that
"\\displaystyle \\sup_{1\\leq i\\leq \\infin}|x^{(k)}_i-w_i|<\\frac{\\epsilon}{2}"
for all "k>N_0". For each "k" choose "N_1\\isin N" such that
"|x^{(k)}_i|\\leq \\frac{\\epsilon}{2}" for all "i>N_1" .
Thus, "|w_i|=|w_i-0|\\leq |w_i-x^{(k)}_i|+|x^{(k)}_i|\\leq \\epsilon" for "i>N_1", and "k>N_0" , that means that the sequence "w_i" converges to and "w_i\\isin c_0" . Hence "c_0" is closed in "L^{\\infin}" .
ii) For linear bounded) operator "T:V_1\\to V_2"
"||Tv||_2\\leq C||v||_1," constant "C>0"
In our case:
for "L^{\\infin}: ||x||=sup|x_n|"
for "c_0" : "||x||=sup|x_n\/n|"
"sup|x_n\/n|\\leq Csup|x_n|"
So, there exists "C>0" . That is, "T" is a linear bounded operator.
If sequence "(x_n)" in "L^{\\infin}" does not converge, then sequence "(x_n\/n)_n" does not converge to 0.
So, "Ran(T)" is not closed.
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