S-sum of mortgage
the loan outstanding after making 20 payments is:
"S20= 2019.6*\\frac{1-1.0075^{340}}{1-1.0075}\/1.0075^{340}"
S20-loan outstanding after 20 payments
S21-sum of principal repaid in the 21st payment
The loan amortization schedule for the first 5 loan payments.
payment balance
1) 2019.6 250,862.9
2) 2019.6 250,724.77
3) 2019.6 250,585.61
4) 2019.6 250,445.4
5) 2019.6 250,304.14
I noticed the share of interest payments becomes less.
The value of the mortgage on their house =251,000
The value of the monthly payment =2019.6
The interest rate J12 which equivalent J2 equals 8.84%
S50-sum of loan after 50 payments
P'-value of new payments
n-number full payments
S358-sum remaining after 358 payments
PL-last payment (the final concluding smaller payment one period later)
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