Probabilities of an Events
Event A = a drunk driving are given a breath test.
Event B = a drunk driving are given a blood test.
P(A) = 90% ="\\frac{90} {100} =0.9"
P(B ) = 11% = "\\frac {11} {100} = 0.11"
P(Both) = "P(A\\bigcap B ) = 8"% = "\\frac{8} {100} = 0.08"
"P(A\\bigcap B ) =" The probability that the drivers stopped on suspicion of drunk driving are given both
breath test AND blood test.
We knows, If the Events A and B are Disjoint, we can write as
"P(A\\bigcap B) = 0"
But, Here "P(A\\bigcap B) = 0.08 \\ne 0"
So, the Events A and B are not disjoint
If the events A and B are independent, then "P(A\\bigcap B) = P(A) \\times P(B)"
"P(A\\bigcap B ) = 0.08 \\space and \\space P(A) \\times P(B) = 0.9 \\times 0.11 = 0.099"So,
"P(A\\bigcap B) \\ne P(A) \\times P(B)"So, the events A and B are not Independent
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