Not having the lecture is sufficient for Dr. Boateng to conduct a quiz
or students to make presentations. If the students do not make
presentations then Dr. Boateng will conduct the quiz. Therefore,
whenever we have the lecture, either the student will not make
presentations or Dr. Boateng will conduct the quiz.
Denote the following events by
A="Students have the lecture"
B="Students make presentations"
C="Dr. Boateng will conduct the quiz"
Then the conditions of the question may be written in symbols:
"(\\bar{A}\\to(B\\vee C))\\wedge (\\bar{B}\\to C)\\to (A\\to (\\bar{B}\\oplus C))"
To determine is this statement a tautology or not, let's solve the equation
"(\\bar{A}\\to(B\\vee C))\\wedge (\\bar{B}\\to C)\\to (A\\to (\\bar{B}\\oplus C))=0". It implies
"(\\bar{A}\\to(B\\vee C))\\wedge (\\bar{B}\\to C)=1" and "A\\to (\\bar{B}\\oplus C)=0", it implies
"\\bar{A}\\to(B\\vee C)=1", "\\bar{B}\\to C=1", "A=1" and "\\bar{B}\\oplus C=0", it implies
"A=1, C=\\bar{B}", it implies
"A=1, B=0, C=1" or "A=1, B=1, C=0".
If we assume that the events A, B, C are mutually exclusive (i.e. only one of them can take place) then a contradiction is impossible and hence the given logical output is correct.
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