We have the predicate "P(x,y)="x\\leq y^2"" (two variables). We have (a) "\\R^+" as a domain for both of the variables. We should determine for which values of "x" and "y" the predicate "\\exist x\\forall y (x\\leq y^2)=1."
Consider the predicate "S(x)=\\forall y (x\\leq y^2)."
Here "y" should be greater or equal to "\\sqrt{x}". "\\text{Then } S(x)=1, \\exist x S (x)=1.\\\\"
So for all positive real numbers "x" and "y\\geq \\sqrt{x}" the predicate "\\exist x\\forall y (x\\leq y^2)=1."
(b) "\\Z"
If "x\\geq 0" then "y\\geq \\sqrt{x}."
If "x<0" then "\\forall y."
(c) "\\R-\\{0\\}"
If "x>0" then "y\\geq \\sqrt{x}."
If "x<0" then "\\forall y."
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